Skills for Prosperity Catch up

Batam State Polytechnic and the ILO supported by the UK-Government hold a meeting and discussion on challenges, next opportunities, and next steps of the Skill for Prosperity Program.
Education and Skills Advisor of the British Embassy and Chief Technical Advisor of International Labour Organization for UKPF (United Kingdom Prosperity Fund) Programme in Indonesia are visiting Batam State Polytechnic (Polibatam) to directly discuss and see the progress of the Skill for Prosperity Program, which has been taking place since November 2020. They asked about the benefits and impacts of the program as well as the challenges and sustainability of the program in the future.
Mary Kent, Chief Technical Advisor, UK Skills for Prosperity Programme Indonesia, International Labour Organization asked about the impact obtained by Polibatam on the collaboration with the City of Glasgow College, as well as the sustainability of the cooperation program with Vocational Schools (SMK). Through this program, Polibatam has received many benefits in terms of curriculum development, skill development for lecturers and students as well as the development of learning methods and materials.
Halida Nufaisa, Education and Skills Advisor of British Embassy Jakarta gave a very positive response regarding an output of the Skill for Prosperity Program developed by Polibatam, called TalentHub. She opines that the TalentHub is very in line with the concept of Merdeka Belajar. The TalentHub is a platform that facilitates students to record their journey and achievements when being a student of Polibatam, both in terms of hard skills and soft skills.
Meanwhile, Polibatam Management, represented by Deputy Director for Academic Affairs at Polibatam, Ahmad Riyad Firdaus, said that skill development for lecturers and students was the main concern. For this reason, Polibatam prioritizes Project-Based Learning (PBL) as a learning model that has been massively implemented since 2020 This Skill for Prosperity Program has become one of the drivers for development skills at Polibatam, especially for the Logistics International Trade Study Program.
Marry and Halida is also invited for a Campus Tour to see the Project-Based Learning (PBL) approach in Polibatam. This visitation will continue for the next few days to review the progress and outputs of this program.

Batam, 24 Mei 2022
Penulis Andi Erna Mulyana and Mia Syafrina
#Polibatam #HumasPolibatam