Faculty Exchange Program “The 3 themes of Equity, Quality and Relevance” at City of Glasgow College, Skotlandia United Kingdom

Sunday, October 23rd, 2022, ten lecturers of Logistic International Trade (LIT) study program along with Director of Politeknik Negeri Batam, Mr. Uuf Brajawidagda, and National Project Officer as well as the Finance and Administrative Assistant ILO Project, Mr. Leohansen Simatupang and Ms. Temmy Tannet, arrived in Glasgow, Scotland, UK. The aim of this visitation is a Faculty Exchange Program ‘The 3 themes of Equity, Quality and Relevance’ at City of Glasgow College (CoGC). The activity will be conducted from October 21st to November 5th 2022, and get full support from ILO and British Embassy Jakarta by Skill for Prosperity Program.
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Monday, October 24th 2022, the activity started with a warm welcome from the CoGC’s Vice Principal for Corporate Development and Innovation, Roy Gardner, and then a brief of program agenda by the Project Manager for International Project of City of Glasgow College (CoGC), Ranjith Sankaranayanan. After that, the activity outlast with a city tour to catch a sight of the panoramic of Glasgow city.
Tuesday, October 25th 2022, the lecturers of Polibatam catch a glimpse of the CoGC campus, both River Side and City Campus. During this activity, they met the faculty staffs and CoGC lecturers from vary study program. Both campuses have modern design and are provided with world class facilities that that can support the vocational study.
The learning environment in both campuses are designed identical with the actual industrial environment where the students can practice and enhance their skill. The comprehensive facility allows the implementation of work based learning in this college.
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Wednesday, October 26, 2022, the first session’s topic was on Self-Reflection and Knowledge Management by Fiona Balloch, Curriculum Head, Lecturer Development Learning and Teaching Academy. Fiona explained how to keep a critical reflective journal: Noticing, recording selected thoughts and actions, identifying recurring themes, patterns and issues, challenging habitual responses, dan Identifying ineffective practices.
The second session was on the Learning Journey Student Experience. This session contains testimonials from COGC students about the excellent facilities, a very open environment with diversity, practical experience in every subject they took, and fantastic lecturers. The lecturers at COGC have a strong connection with the industry which opens up wide opportunities for students to enter the industry.
During the third session of the day, staff from Wellbeing Support came and shared their program for implementing, promoting, and sustaining a healthy well-being culture throughout the college. Various complementary facilities are also provided, such as Gym, Yoga Class, and flu vaccine, that enable the staff to feel safe, healthy, and thrive in their roles. COGC has been paying attention to the importance of the wellbeing of all of its staff and student.
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