Vokasiland Road to Hakteknas 2022

INFO-Days #PolibatamFriends and #VocationFriends and #Arek Suroboyo, who has curious about the timeline of the Vokasiland Road to Hakteknas 2022 event?
Don’t forget to attend and witness the series of interesting events and booths of extraordinary vocational education technology innovations at Vokasiland Road to Hakteknas 2022 from Thursday (28/7) to Sunday (31/7) at Grand City Mall Surabaya!
Invite your friends, family, and relatives to witness the various innovative works of the nation’s children “from vocation, by vocation, for Indonesia!”
Those outside Surabaya can also witness it from the Youtube Channel of the Directorate General of Vocational Education
Note: *Schedule is subject to change, depending on conditions.
#Polibatam #Vocation #Vokasiland #Hakteknas2022 #ArekSuroboyo