Visiting of the Director-General of Vocational and 41 Polytechnics PBL Strengthening Attended by 150 Participants

NEWS-Project Based Learning (PBL) is a systematic teaching method that engages students in learning essential knowledge and 21st Century Skills through an in-depth, student-influenced, and structured process of inquiry through carefully designed projects. The application of PBL is one of the learning models that should be applied in all vocational education units in Indonesia.
The Technopreneur Center building is used as a center for problem, project and product based learning activities at Politeknik Negeri Batam. Prior to the PBL discussion, the Director of Batam Polytechnic, Uuf Brajawidagda together with the Director-General of Vocational Education Kemdikbudristek, Wikan Sakarinto, and guests inaugurated the Batam Polytechnic Technopreneur Center Building.
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