To Get to Know the World of Robotics and Aerospace From an Early Age, Granada Islamic Boarding School Students Visit Polibatam Campus

POLIBATAM – A total of 125 students and supervising teachers from the Granada Batam School visited Politeknik Negeri Batam on Tuesday, 7 February 2023. The visit was received directly by the Head of Electrical Engineering, Budi Sugandi, Ph.D., and the Head of the Robotics Engineering Study Program in the Technopreneur Center studio room, 3rd floor.
This visit aims to get to know more about the world of robotics. On this occasion, the Robotics Study Program explained the various types of robots made by Polibatam that have competed in various domestic and foreign competitions as well as the various achievements that have been achieved. “Welcome to the students and teachers of the Granada Islamic Boarding School at Polibatam Campus. Polibatam has a Robotics Engineering Study Program that has won various competitions at national and international levels,” said Budi.
The Head of the Robotics Study Program, Senanjung Prayoga, said that Polibatam Robot Team now has several teams, i.e. the contest team, the PBL team, and the Robotics research team.
The Granada International Islamic Boarding School (GIIBS) consists of 2 levels of education, junior high and high school. The institution has 3 main programs, including Tahfidz, Science, and Arabic & English. This Islamic Boarding School was established in order to become an Islamic educational institution that functions as a vehicle for the cadre of the ummah as well as an alternative tarbiyah which is rahmatan lil ‘alamin.
“To support this program, we have a Rihlah Tsaqofah Ilmiyah agenda with a total of 125 participants; consisting of 107 students and 18 teachers who also attended this visit,” explained Haniif. “I am very happy to be able to visit Polibatam and happy to get to know various robots made by Polibatam,” said Seno, a Granada student.
Apart from the presentation sessions, there were also demo and study tour sessions at campus facilities and the aircraft hangar to get to know the various types of aircraft in the hangar and a glimpse of the world of aerospace. This hangar facility is to support the practicum of TPPU Study Program students.

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