To Develop TVET Program, Kemendikbudristek Wants to Connect Education with the Workforce

POLIBATAM-Directorate General of Vocational Education, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) held an international conference in vocational education on Tuesday (4/7/2023) at the Marriott Hotel Harbor Bay Batam. 70 participants from seven ASEAN countries attended this international conference in vocational education, including Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Vietnam, and Timor Leste.
The Director General of Vocational Education at the Ministry of Education and Culture and Research and Technology, Kiki Yuliati, said that this activity aims to develop a Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) program in various countries in ASEAN. “This activity aims to connect educational institutions with the workforce, as well as present equal quality graduates,” said Kiki.
Kemendikbudristek is also endeavoring to bridge various vocational education institutions with the world of work in the international sphere. “We hope this can increase the assets and quality of TVET in ASEAN countries, so that collaboration between countries is built,” added Kiki.
Kiki continued, “Apart from being part of Indonesia’s chairmanship series as chairman of ASEAN 2023, this city (Batam) is considered suitable to be a representative model of cooperation or collaboration between vocational education institutions and industry, for instance, at the Politeknik Negeri Batam. “Currently, the government is focusing on encouraging quality improvement and the role of vocations to support educational needs in society, as well as supporting economic development in Indonesia. “So far, there has been collaboration between vocational education and business or industry in Batam City. Batam’s economic growth is excellent, we hope there will be contributions from vocational human resources,” she added.
We hope that vocational education through vocational high schools (SMK), tertiary institutions, polytechnics, and course institutions can prepare human resources in Indonesia, especially Batam, to welcome further cooperation with industrial businesses in foreign countries. (Egi)
#Polibatam #Vocation #TVET #Kemendikbudristek