The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia Holds a Public Lecture About ASEAN at Polibatam Campus

POLIBATAM-Politeknik Negeri Batam (Polibatam), in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, held a Public Lecture on Indonesian Foreign Politics on Monday, August 21, 2023, at the Technopreneur Center Theater Room 3rd Floor.
The Public Lecture on Foreign Politics with the theme ASEAN, Global Challenges and the Role of Indonesian Foreign Policy has several objectives, including: (1) To provide education while strengthening the ties between the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the public in the country, especially the younger generation, so that they understand and support more various efforts of diplomats in conducting diplomacy; (2) Increasing public knowledge about the benefits of ASEAN and Indonesia’s leadership role in ASEAN, including Indonesia’s chairmanship of ASEAN in 2023.
While accompanying the Indonesian delegation led by President Jokowi to several African countries, the Indonesian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Retno Marsudi, had the opportunity to go online, give remarks and simultaneously open public lectures at universities across 38 provinces in Indonesia. Meanwhile, the resource person who attended the public lecture at Polibatam offline was Arianto Surojo, the General Head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia. Deputy Director II for Planning, Finance and Resources Polibatam, Bambang Hendrawan, attended this event accompanied by the Head of the Center for Learning Development and Quality Assurance (P4M) Evaliata Br. Sembiring.
In his speech, Bambang Hendrawan expressed appreciation for holding a public lecture at the Polibatam campus. In addition to adding insight, topics related to ASEAN are very contextually discussed in Batam, considering that Batam is a city directly adjacent to several ASEAN countries, such as Singapore and Malaysia. The public lecture, which was held in commemoration of the birthday of the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs as well as the commemoration of the anniversary of Indonesian independence, was attended by lecturers, Polibatam students and Independent Student Program/Program Mahasiswa Merdeka (PMM) 2023 students from various campuses in Java, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Bali, NTT and West Papua.
“It was said that Indonesia is part of the ASEAN countries, of course ASEAN’s position requires the strategy and political role of all its members including Indonesia so that it can become a factor with great potential in responding to global challenges,” explained Arianto in his presentation material.
Hopefully, with this public lecture event, Polibatam students and Polibatam PMM students 2023 can better get to know ASEAN and the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Greetings Polibatam.
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