SMK Negeri 7 Batam Explores Curriculum Alignment with Politeknik Negeri Batam

NEWS-Polibatam received a visit from SMK Negeri 7 Batam, which was represented directly by the Principal, Sisrayanti, and other teachers and staff of SMK N 7 Batam, on February 7, 2022, at the main building of Polibatam. This visit was in the context of sharing, alignment, and study tours of competencies and laboratories in Polibatam. SMK N 7 Batam wants to adjust the curriculum on the Polibatam campus since the majors are very linear. Polibatam was represented directly by Uuf Brajawidagda as the Director of Polibatam and Himawan Mochtoha as the SHILAU staff in the framework of the SMK-PK (Vocational School-Center of Excellence) program.
“The best way to grasp students’ soft skills is to understand their expertise in solving a problem. Students are expected to understand project-based learning that is carried out in all majors in Polibatam. In this respect, students are actively discussing, understanding problems, finding solutions and learning to complete projects, while lecturers act as facilitators.” Said Uuf.
Hopefully, with this visit, there will be a realization of curriculum alignment in the future in the majors at SMK N 7 Batam which is linear with the study programs at Politeknik Negeri Batam.
Greetings Polibatam….
#Polibatam #SMKN7Batam #Curriculum