Robotics Engineering Study Program Held Community Service of Robot Training at Granada International Islamic Boarding School Batam

BATAM-Polibatam, especially the Robotics Engineering Study Program has implemented one of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, i.e. community service. This community service is the socialization of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education to students. This service was held at the Granada International Islamic School (GIIBS) Nongsa District, Batam on November 19, 2022.
“I hope the results of this training will be able to increase critical thinking and problem solving to support the industrial era 4.0 and society 5.0, especially in Batam,” said Senanjung Prayoga, the head of Robotics Engineering Study Program.
The leader of this service was Hendawan, and the members present were lecturers from the Robotics Engineering Study Program: Hasnira, Fitriyanti Nakul, Eko R Jamzuri, Rifqi A Fatekha, Anugerah Wibisana, and also followed by several students. This dedication ended with the symbolic awarding of 2 robots to the GIIBS principal, Abna Haniif Nover Atiq.

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