Public Speaking Training: Get C.NPS Certification

Overcome public speaking anxiety!
Have you ever felt nervous when speaking in front of a crowd? We have a solution!
Overcoming nervousness and nervousness.
Coached by an experienced trainer, Ari Pristiana Dewi, M.Kep., Ns., CT.
Attended by our Host, Lidia.
Day/Date: Sunday/ November 19, 2023
Time: 08.30 – 15.00 WIB
Place: Polibatam
Special Promo for the First 50 Participants!
Special Price: IDR 249K (regular IDR 529K)
Only IDR 176K for the 50 Fastest Registrants before Nov 8!
Additional Benefits:
- Trained with experienced professional experts.
- Get certification from the C.NPS institution: become a reliable public speaker.
- Enjoy snacks & lunch during the event.
- Have the opportunity to be the best participant (award).
- Network with alumni and professional mentors.
Sign up now!
Register immediately via this link:
For further information, contact Lidia via:
Don’t miss the opportunity to improve your speaking skills and become a reliable public speaker!