PT Transportasi Gas Indonesia Regional Office 4 Batam Holds Public Lecture at Polibatam

POLIBATAM-PT Transportasi Gas Indonesia Regional Office 4 (PT TGI RO4) Batam holds CSR program activities based on the pillars of education by holding a public lecture at the Polibatam campus on December 15, 2022. The public lecture was opened by the Manager of PT TGI RO4 Batam, Oddy Jaka Rinaldy. In his remarks, he invited Politeknik Negeri Batam students to get to know the workforce and its dynamics.
Syufri Azhar Hakim as RO4 Batam Pipeline Supervisor explained the company profile of PT Transportasi Gas Indonesia and introduced the potential hazards of high-pressure gas pipelines and their mitigation to the participants.
The present TGI Goes to Campus program collaborates with the Politeknik Negeri Batam campus by presenting an education expert Annisa Sri Wandini, M.Psi., and a psychologist. For more than an hour, 60 Polibatam Business Management Department students participated. The resource person provided material on strategies for dealing with the world of work.
This program from PT TGI RO4 received a positive response from the Politeknik Negeri Batam campus. “Hopefully the same program can continue in other departments at Politeknik Negeri Batam,” said Irsutami, SE., M.Acc, Ak, the Secretary of Polibatam Business Management Department.
Greetings Polibatam..
#Polibatam #PT.TGI RO4