Diploma 3 Aircraft Maintenance Engineering


  • Undertaking community service activities that are oriented towards improving living standards through strengthening the quality of human resources, especially in the field of Aircraft Maintenance Engineering.
  • Implementing good organizational governance of Aircraft Maintenance Engineering Study Program.
  • Organizing educational activities in a structured and planned academic system to produce Associate Expert level workforce in the field of Aircraft Maintenance Engineering with skills and competencies.
  • Undertaking applied research based on partnerships with industry and the community in the field of Aircraft Maintenance Engineering to produce appropriate technological solutions for the community.


Aircraft Civil Mechanic Career Pathways

  • The second stage of the career path of an aircraft mechanic is to become an Aircraft Maintenance Engineer (AME). To get an AME license, a mechanic holding a Basic License should conduct training for certain types of aircraft. An AME is allowed to carry out aircraft maintenance directly assisted by mechanics holding Basic Certificate.
  • The peak of the aircraft mechanic profession is to become a Maintenance Approval holder, i.e., a mechanic who has the authority to allow (stamp) aircraft that have been treated to return to flight (return to service / RTS)..

To become a professional civil aircraft mechanic, the first training that should be followed is Basic License Training. Of all flight training institutions in Indonesia, there are only four aircraft mechanic training institutions (AMTO) that hold Basic License Training. All of them are on the Java Island. The number of graduates from these four training institutions is not sufficient for the demand for aircraft mechanics in Indonesia. In addition to the maximum capacity, before graduating, the students of the training institution have been ordered by aviation companies in the country (PT. Garuda Maintenance Facility Aero Asia Tbk, PT. Lion Mentari Airlines, etc.).


  1. Aircraft mechanics have several roles including performing maintenance, repairs, and dismantling of aircraft frames, engines, components, and accessories so that aircraft are airworthy and safe for flight.
  2. To be able to become an aircraft mechanic, in the first stage, a person must go through basic aircraft mechanic education or maintenance (basic license training). According to the regulations, the training should be carried out for a minimum of 3000 hours or more or less for 18 months. The students of this training are graduates of SMA IPA or SMK Engineering. After passing the training with 40% theory and 60% practical material, students are entitled to a Basic License and may perform aircraft maintenance under the supervision of an AMEL (Aircraft Maintenance Engineer License) holder. The type of work that can be undertaken is in accordance with the Basic License obtained during the training. The types of Basic Licenses are:
  • A1: Airframe – airplane
  • A2: Airframe – helicopter
  • A3: Piston engine
  • A4: Turbine engine
  • C1: Radio
  • C2: Instruments
  • C4: Electrical

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