Producing HR in the Cybersecurity Sector, Polibatam Opens Cybersecurity Engineering Study Program

POLIBATAM-Politeknik Negeri Batam campus has opened a Cyber Security Engineering/Rekayasa Keamanan Siber (RKS) study program. Cybersecurity Engineering is a study program that specializes in developing cybersecurity for specific purposes. Graduates have good skills in cyber and network security.

The aim of the Opening of the RKS study program is to realize services, the quality of resources as well as outputs of learning and research in the field of cybersecurity, open access, innovative, and relevant to the needs of industry and society. In addition, it is also for the realization of transparent, accountable, productive and quality study programs.

The objectives of the Polibatam Cybersecurity Engineering Study Program include increasing the quality, access, relevance of services, resources and outputs of vocational learning in the field of cybersecurity; increasing the quality and relevance of research, publication of research results, as well as the ability to apply science and technology and innovation in the field of cybersecurity; and increasing transparency, accountability, productivity that is oriented towards environmental sustainability and service quality, as well as study program governance.

The learning outcomes/capaian pembelajaran (CP) of the D4 Cybersecurity Engineering Study Program refer to Permendikbud No.3 of 2020 and adjust to the Indonesian National Framework Qualification Level/Kualifikasi Kerangka Nasional Indonesia (KKNI), Presidential Regulation No.8 of 2012. The preparation of CP also takes into account scientific and expertise developments sourced from the cyber security occupation map of National Cyber and Crypto Agency/Badan Siber dan Sandi Negara (BSSN), ACM cybersecurity curricula 2017, SKKNI No. 55 of 2015 in the field of information security, SKKNI No. 321 of 2016 in the field of computer networks, and SKKNI No. 56 of 2018 in the field of computer operations.

The graduate competencies for each graduate of the Polibatam Cybersecurity Engineering D4 Study Program are:
1. Have the ability and skills in following up on security threats in an organization.
2. Have the ability and skills in carrying out the implementation and making reports on the implementation of the cyber security program according to the established risk management implementation plan.
3. Have the ability and skills to analyze network security threats both from within and outside the range and develop security policies.
4. Have the ability and skills in analyzing assessments of cybersecurity gaps.
5. Have the ability and skills in designing cyber security risk awareness improvement programs
6. Have the ability and skills to conduct an assessment of security holes in a system in an organization.
7. Have the ability and skills in installing and configuring institutional/company asset security.
8. Have the ability and skills in installing and configuring networks on an institutional/company scale.
9. Have the ability and skills in installing and configuring computers, software, and networks.

With this competence, Polibatam RKS Study Program graduates will be ready to enter the world of work in the cybersecurity sector, which is now very much needed in an all-digital world.
For online registration information please visit

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