Politeknik Negeri Batam Held Graduation in 2022, Here’s the Director’s Message

Batam State Polytechnic (Polibatam) inaugurated as many as 953 Associate Expert and Applied Bachelor graduates from 15 Study Programs, located at Swiss-Belhotel, Harbor bay, Batu Ampar, Batam, on 17 and 18 October 2022. This activity was carried out for 2 days, the first day for the Informatics Engineering Department and Mechanical Engineering Department and the second day for the Electrical Engineering Department and Business Management Department.
The graduation ceremony was attended by all Polibatam management, including Uuf Brajawidagda as Director, Ahmad Riyad Firdaus as Deputy Director I, Bambang Hendrawan as Deputy Director II, Muhammad Zaenuddin as Deputy Director III, all Heads of Departments, Department Secretaries, and all Heads of Study Programs.
On the first day, this event was also attended by Jefridin as the Regional Secretary of Batam City who represented the Mayor of Batam, M. Rudi. On the second day, the event was attended by the Chairperson of the Politeknik Negeri Batam Alumni Association (IA-Polbat), Fendi Hidayat.
Polibatam appreciates the outstanding graduates from each Study Program and IA-Polbat also provides scholarships to several On-Going students and the best graduates from all study programs.
Uuf Brajawidagda as the Polibatam Director said that the provision of studying at Polibatam is certainly not enough out there, don’t hesitate to keep learning to add science and technology anywhere with the aim of developing Batam, the Nation, and the State. “Of course, the most important thing is to ask Allah Ta’ala for success and then bless your parents,” said Uuf.
As for the aircraft maintenance/perawatan pesawat udara (PPU) Study Program, Uuf advised to be prepared, in the future, the aircraft maintenance industry should not only be in Batam or in Indonesia, so it must be proficient, as well as other sectors. “For graduates, don’t let your guard down, even though there are many job vacancies in Batam, we must continue to learn to be more proficient,” said Uuf.
Meanwhile, the Regional Secretary (Sekda) of Batam, Jefridin Hamid, representing the Mayor of Batam City, Muhammad Rudi, invited students in Batam to continue to support development in Batam. He admitted, Batam needs ideas from millennials. “What are the wishes of the youth in Batam, please convey the idea,” said Jefridin in his speech.
Jefridin explained that a number of developments in Batam under the leadership of the Mayor of Batam City, really accommodate the ideas of millennials, including students. “For Batam Center, an Instagramable area has been built, it can be a place to take selfies,” said Jefridin. The area that Jefridin refers to is from the One Batam Mall to Mega Mall, which has now been transformed into an enchanting place.
For this reason, he hopes that students will continue to support development in Batam and continue to create conditions conducive to accelerating development. “All this development is for the people of Batam City. With this development, tourism to Batam’s economy will have a positive impact,” explained Jefridin. For students who have graduated, he hopes to continue to contribute and have bright ideas for the good of Batam City in the future.
Source: Batamclick.com
#Polibatam #Graduation #2022