Politeknik Negeri Batam Enacts Different Learning Patterns Compared to Other Colleges

Batamclick.com– Politeknik Negeri Batam makes a slightly different learning pattern than before, which is applied Project Base Learning (PBL) system. In practice, when working on a project, it involves students from various study programs.
“learning pattern has now changed, which is student-centered, meaning that students are more active. On that basis, we trust students to learn from each other. So that way, trust between people is built and that’s where new knowledge can emerge,” said Hendawan Soebhakti, S.T., M.T., the Deputy Head of Politeknik Negeri Batam SHILAU (Satuan Hilirisasi Inovasi dan Layanan Usaha) to Batamclick.com, on Monday (26/09/2022).
Hendawan continued, so far, learning has been applied in class and then practicum, lecturers teach in front of the class and students listen behind. “Such learning pattern, in my opinion, turns out to be less effective,” explained Hendawan. Thus, we change our learning pattern by giving projects and working in teams. Not only technical skills, but also interpersonal skills, problem-solving, communication, and teamwork can be conveyed. “All students work together in a team to complete a project or problem,” added Hendawan.
Hendawan said that as many as 27 projects were carried out to be completed and involved around 300 students in the morning and evening classes. One team works on 1 project and 1 problem that is carried out across fields or study programs such as Engineering and non-engineering (for instance, Accounting or Business Management).
“So, in one project, there is collaboration across disciplines. This means that the teamwork skills are much better, not only in a study program but also across study programs,” said Hendawan. This learning pattern is a reference from a neighboring country (Singapore) and they have implemented this pattern. Whilst the concept was adopted from MIT in 2001, i.e., the CDIO Framework, Conceive Design Implement Operate. “A total of 190 colleges in the world have adopted the system. Meanwhile, there is only one in Indonesia, i.e., Politeknik Negeri Batam which has adopted the system,” explained Hendawan.
In the same place, the Assistant for Government and Welfare of the Batam City Government, Yusfa Hendri, said that the presence of the Polibatam answered the needs of HR in Batam. In the future, it is hoped that Batam will not only be known as an industrial city but will also be known as a city of education. “If all this time people have been to Batam to look for work, now they can also go to Batam to study. This is because Batam now has more than 24 campuses and has a modern polytechnic,” said Yusfa.
“Maybe there are still many Batam people who don’t know that Polibatam has prepared all the necessities for the job market. After graduating from college, it can be applied and can be absorbed in all employment opportunities in Batam, “said Yusfa.
Various kinds of study programs such as multimedia, animation, robotics, there is also chip manufacturing, and then also MRO aircraft maintenance. Those are all advanced industries. All of that is now being required not only in Indonesia, especially Batam, but also in the world.
Source: https://batamclick.com/27/09/2022/politeknik-negeri-batam-terapkan-pola-belajar-berbeda-di-banding-kampus-lain/
#Polibatam #Vocation #PBL