Polibatam Team Won Second Place in the Qualification Round of PON XXI/2024: National and Regional Championship 2023 “Outdoor Rubber Power”

POLIBATAM-Polibatam Team made a brilliant achievement as the representative of the Riau Islands Province in the qualifying round for the PON XXI/2024, national and regional championship 2023 “outdoor rubber power”. In this prestigious event, Deo Agung P. Ginting and Muhammad Fathur Rahman, students from the Aircraft Maintenance Engineering Study Program, Mechanical Engineering Department, won second and fifth positions and brought home silver medals.
The competition, attended by 10 teams from 6 provinces in Indonesia, was held at Sulaiman Airport, Bandung, from 10 to 19 July 2023. Tight competition and tough challenges were a test for the participants, but this did not dampen the enthusiasm and dedication of Deo Agung and Muhammad Fathur to provide the best for Polibatam and the Riau Islands Province.
With a difference of only 52 points from the leading team from East Java, Deo Agung won second place in the “Outdoor Rubber Power” competition. His superiority and technical ability in operating model airplanes made of flying rubber (rubber power) was key to his success in presenting the silver medal.
Meanwhile, Muhammad Fathur Rahman won fifth place in the same competition with his expertise and extraordinary dedication. Despite fierce competition, dedication and hard training have led him to this proud position.
The winners of the national and regional championship 2023 “outdoor rubber power” have the right to represent their respective provinces in PON XXI/2024 which will be held in DI Aceh. Polibatam will proudly send Deo Agung and Muhammad Fathur to compete and fight to bring honor home to the Riau Archipelago Province.
Support from campus, friends, and family provided additional motivation for these winners. Their achievements have not only raised the name of Polibatam but also inspired and become role models for other students to excel and strive for success in the world of competition.
#Polibatam #PON XXI/2024 #RiauIslandsProvince