Polibatam Teaching Factory Laboratory as a Place for Learning Animation with Infinite Studios and BBPLK Bekasi

NEWS – Animation Learning Program is a program held by PT. Kinema Systrans Multimedia or what we know as Infinite Studios Batam, in collaboration with the Bekasi Work Training Development Center, meaning Balai Besar Pengembangan Latihan Kerja (BBPLK) under the auspices of the Ministry of Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia. In addition to providing free animation learning training, this program also opens the widest possible job opportunities at Batam Infinite Studios for the trainees. This training activity has been carried out for one month at the Polibatam Teaching Factory Laboratory with an expert teaching team directly from Batam Infinite Studios.
Participants who took part in this training were mostly active students at several universities in Batam, including students from Politeknik Negeri Batam and Batam International University. This animation training has entered its tenth generation, this is a routine activity held by Batam Infinite Studios whereby this time there are 32 participants. Several participants also came from outside the Batam island such as Palu (Central Sulawesi), Tangerang, Malang and Pekanbaru. Apart from the knowledge provided during this training, the participants were also facilitated with lunch, transportation fees during the training, uniforms, and work shoes.
During the training period, the trainer will assess how the progress of all participants in learning animation is, and the teaching team will give assignments as well as tests where this test will determine whether the animation training participants pass and are eligible to join and work at Batam Infinite Studios.
This training has produced as many as 13 participants who will soon join PT. Multimedia System Kinema. Batam Infinite Studios and BBPLK hope that in the future there will be a good cooperative relationship between the two parties. In addition, this animation training program is expected to attract more enthusiasm from the participants, thus, it can produce professional animators who are ready to enter the workforce.

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