Polibatam Supports And Becomes One Of The Visiting Destinations Of The International ASEAN TVET Conference Event

POLIBATAM-The activity carried out by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) through the Directorate General of Vocational Education is ASEAN TVET entitled “Collaborative Framework on TVET Refomation in Encouraging Innovation though Collaboration Between TVET and Business Entity/Industry” which took place at the Marriot Harbor Bay Hotel, Batam on 3-5 July 2023.
This activity brought together 7 delegates from ASEAN countries and several educators, industry experts, and policymakers intending to explore strengthening the field of vocational education and training as well as developing collaboration and innovation between vocational education and the business and industrial world.
Polibatam also supports the agenda by assisting the committee and becoming a destination for visits by delegations from ASEAN countries and other participants. Precisely on 5 July 2023, the main goal is to introduce several product results and supporting facilities for the learning method adopted by Polibatam, namely Project/Problem/Product Based Learning (PBL) by visiting the Technopreneur Center Building to become a PBL center and Robotics Laboratory (BRAIL).
“Certainly in supporting the improvement of the World of Vocational Education, Polibatam is very enthusiastic about the success of the ASEAN TVET Conference 2023. Polibatam also had the opportunity to exhibit several products, facilities and learning that took place during the visit, “said Uuf Brajawidagda, the Director of Polibatam and Acting Director of DUDI Partnership and Alignment.

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