Polibatam Students Majoring in Business Management Achieved 3 Winners in the 2022 International Management, Accounting, and Business Tournament (Treasure)

ACHIEVEMENT- Again, Politeknik Negeri Batam (Polibatam) students majoring in Business Management become the winners in the 2022 International Management, Accounting, and Business Tournament (Treasure) which was previously called as Accounting Information System Competition (AISyCom) held by the Applied Bachelor of Accounting Information Systems Study Program, Politeknik Negeri Batam. For three years in a row, Polibatam students have always succeeded in making achievements in this competition. Then this year also, Polibatam students could make achievements in three types of competitions, i.e. Essay, Poster, and Tiktok Video Tournament.
In the Essay Competition, Polibatam was represented by Vivka Guarda Putri and Dea Natasya Fahira, students of the Managerial Accounting Study Program with the essay title “Mobile-Based Accounting Applications to Help MSMEs, In a Review”. With this essay, they managed to get third place in this tournament. In the Poster Competition, Polibatam was represented by Zahwa Yusri Indah and Shely Vintani, students of the Managerial Accounting Study Program with the poster title “Consumer’s Interest in Application Funds”. As a result of the poster, they also got third place in this tournament.

Finally, at the Tiktok Video Tournament, Politeknik Negeri Batam was represented by Viona Salsabila, a student of the Managerial Accounting Study Program, and Cantika Yosdianti Kastella, a student of the International Trade Logistics Study Program with the video title “E-Entrepreneur as The Role for Optimizing Start-Up Strategies and Adopting New Competitive Advantage. ‘ Because of the video, they won first place in this tournament.

Students in this tournament were guided by Ms. Arniati, Ms. Mega Mayasari, and Mr. Muhammad Ikhlash. Mrs. Arniati as a supervisor and the Head of the Business Management Department felt very proud of the students’ achievements in this international tournament, especially for having succeeded in maintaining successive achievements in this competition.
Greetings Polibatam,,
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