Polibatam Students Get Achievements at TTG Batam City and TTG Riau Islands Province in 2023

ACHIEVEMENT-Congratulations to the Instrumentation Team for winning 1st Place at the Batam City level and 4th Place at the Provincial level in the Appropriate Technology Competition/Teknologi Tepat Guna (TTG). The name of the tool is ” Internet of Things-Based Baby Scales Growth and Development Analyzer/Timbangan bayi Penganalisa Tumbuh Kembang Berbasis Internet of Things” with supervisor, Kamaruddin, S.T., M.T., and a team from the Instrumentation Engineering Study Program, including Pedro Imanuel Ginting, Putra Sanjaya, Amiruddin, M. Misbachul Munir, and M. Fauzi.
The Polibatam students’ achievement at TTG in Batam city in 2023 is 2nd place at the City level, with the tool’s name Box Surya Sistem Tenaga Listrik Portable supervised by Arif F. Juwito with a team from the Energy Generation Engineering Study Program, including Abdul Khalik, Ari Vilanda Tanjung, and David Simon.
The academic community of the Polibatam campus congratulate the winners for the achievements that have made Polibatam proud.
#Polibatam #TTG2023 #Vocation #PBL