Polibatam Signs Virtual Exchange Cooperation Agreement with Polinilai Malaysia

NEWS-Polibatam has agreed to cooperate overseas with the Politeknik Nilai Malaysia (Polinilai) along with 2 other Polytechnics from Indonesia (Medan and Pangkajene). This was marked by the signing of the agreements of cooperation which was attended by Bambang Hendrawan as the Deputy Director of Polibatam’s General Administration, Resources, and Finance; Mr. Haji Wan Zulkifly Bin Wan Zakaria as the Director of Polinilai and Puan Khuzaimah (the Head of Polinilai International Affairs) and the leaders from Politeknik Negeri Medan and Politeknik Negeri Pangkajene, Sulawesi on Friday, August 29, 2022.
The event was opened with remarks from the Head of International Affairs, Puan Khuzaimah, who expressed her gratitude and appreciation for the contribution of each institution in organizing this virtual exchange collaboration. Furthermore, Bambang stated in his speech that this was a good opportunity for students and lecturers to carry out international activities. In addition, he also stated that Polibatam is ready to fully support this program.
The highlight of the speech was delivered by the Director of Polinilai, Mr. Haji Wan Zulkifly Bin Wan Zakaria where he hoped that this cooperation program could continue and could be followed up with visits to each institution.
For information, this virtual exchange program has been running from August 22 until September 2, 2022. A total of 9 students from the International Trade Logistics Study Program participated to experience learning with Polinilai lecturers. Meanwhile, 6 Polinilai students will study with Polibatam Logistics lecturers.
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