Polibatam Ship Planning and Construction Engineering Study Program Prepares Skilled Human Resources in the Batam Shipyard Industry

NEWS-Batam is one of the Special Economic Zones, meaning “Kawasan Ekonomi Khusus (KEK)” which is also the largest shipbuilding industrial area in Indonesia. The development of the shipbuilding industry in Batam City continues to grow with the ability to produce ships that are not inferior to foreign companies, with high standards and technology. Polibatam as a vocational education has also opened a Ship Planning and Construction Engineering study program which is designed to have the main competencies, including Carrying out education in the field of Shipbuilding Construction Engineering to produce professional and ready-to-use manpower with quality education, Carrying out applied research activities in the field of shipbuilding and construction based on partnerships with industry and the community, and Carrying out sustainable community service activities in partnership with industry.
The prospects for graduates of this study program are that they can occupy positions as ship production executives, assistant welding inspectors and drafters in the shipping industry in particular and the offshore industry in general. The many shipyard industries in Batam City are a career choice for alumni.
The courses of the Ship Planning and Construction Engineering Study Program are structured so that students able to be the interface between main contractors and subcontractors to coordinate work in the ship building process; Able to control the fabrication, fit-up, assembly and erection processes on plates and outfitting in the shipbuilding process; able to plan and coordinate material, labor, scheduling and cost calculations in welding work; able to use manufacturing equipment to support ship construction; able to supervise welding work in the ship building process; capable of supervising machinery installation work on ships; able to identify materials and understand welding symbols, joint geometry and discontinuities in welding; able to make WPS (welding procedure specification) and WPQR (Welding Procedure Qualification Record) reports; able to produce images of ships that will be used as a reference for work in the field; able to draw ships using software that supports ship design and calculation of ship power; able to make Nesting drawings (steel cutting), parts and profile lists from detailed drawings; able to determine Material Take Off (MTO)/Bill Of Materials (BOM).
In addition, students are also directed to be able to perform simple calculations of load strength, ship construction, and structure; Able to make reports on drawing results, able to make presentations on these results, and delivered both orally and in writing in Indonesian and English for work purposes. Graduates of the Politeknik Negeri Batam Polytechnic Ship Planning and Construction Engineering Study Program have strong competencies in the engineering planning and design of ship construction and welding which are rooted in local and global culture by prioritizing regional area management. Through a lecture system with Project Base Learning (PBL) that applies to the freedom campus, meaning “kampus merdeka” program, students will be able to compete and be absorbed in the shipyard industry in Batam.
Come on #PolibatamFriends! Register now and be ready to become skilled workers in the field of ship construction. Please register online at the following link:
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