Polibatam PPID Was Visited by the PPID Team for Cooperation and Public Relations Bureau, Secretariat General of the Ministry of Education and Culture

POLIBATAM-The Cooperation and Public Relations Bureau, Secretariat General of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology carried out a visitation to Politeknik Negeri Batam in Batam City, Riau Islands, on 15 – 17 December 2022 regarding the visitation stage of the self-assessment of public information disclosure in Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology in 2022.
The purpose of the visitation was to confirm the data that had been submitted in the Polibatam PPID monitoring and evaluation (monev) presentation which was held on November 29, 2022. In this visitation, the attended team included Lia Melani Ginting as the manager of public complaints, Denty Anugrahmawaty as the first expert public relations officer, and Retno Pudji Lestari as the administrator of education and culture.

The opening of the visitation was welcomed via the Zoom application by the Director of Polibatam, Uuf Brajawidagda, Ph.D., as PPID supervisor; Deputy Director 2 Polibatam, Bambang Hendrawan, ST., MSM., as PPID Management Officer; and other Polibatam PPID members. In his remarks, the Director of Polibatam conveyed the openness of public information in Polibatam which is interpreted as opening the Polibatam campus as wide as possible to the outside world and industrial partners, of course in accordance with the law on public information disclosure.
“In this session, we visited to confirm the data that has been and has not been drawn during the self-monitoring and presentation sessions,” explained Lia.
In addition to data confirmation sessions, the visitation team also carried out visitations to various service facilities at Polibatam including the Information Center, Technopreneur Center building, Polibatam Hangar, lab room, and PBL room. In the visitation session there was also a question and answer session with several students related to learning on the Polibatam campus and the Project Based Learning method and watching the animated film Ficusia created by Polibatam students.

Hopefully, with this visitation, PPID services at the Batam State Polytechnic campus will get better in the future.
Greetings Polibatam..
#Polibatam #PPID #Kemenristekdikti