Polibatam Participated in the Inauguration of PLUT KUMKM in Batam

NEWS-Polibatam represented by college students participated in the inauguration of the Integrated Business Service Center, meaning Pusat Layanan Usaha Terpadu (PLUT) for Cooperative of Small and Medium Enterprises, meaning Usaha Menengah Kecil Mikro (UMKM) located in the Golden Prawn complex, Bengkong District, Batam. At the event, it was inaugurated directly by the Minister of Cooperatives and SMEs, Teten Masduki, the Mayor of Batam City, Muhammad Rudi, the Deputy Mayor, Amsakar Achmad, and other Batam city government staff.
The event began with ribbon cutting and a tour around Batam City KUMKM partners, one of which was Polibatam. The works exhibited by Polibatam are Potato Cutter and Fish Grading from the Department of Mechanical Engineering (on behalf of Wissesa, Silmy F Husna and Windi Hapsari) and the educational version of the e-Filling Tax Application from the Department of Business Management (on behalf of Muhammad Gery and Mutiara V Fortuna).
The products on display aim to support the existence of KUMKM in Batam City. In this event, Polibatam students also showed that they have the potential to become reliable seeds in development, especially in Batam City KUMKM.
#Polibatam #PLUT #UMKM #Vocation