Polibatam Organizes Fire Emergency Response Training and Simulation

NEWS-Politeknik Negeri Batam organized a fire emergency response training and simulation at MT Tanjung Sengkuang Room, 3rd Floor of Technopreneur Center Building (TP 302). This event was held in an effort to provide knowledge related to prevention, handling, and simulation in the event of a fire disaster. The resource person who provided this training was from the Directorate of Asset Safeguarding, BP Batam Fire Mitigation and Handling Sub-Directorate.
On this occasion, Deputy Director 3, Dr. Muhammad Zaenuddin, said “hopefully, with this training, the knowledge can be shared with students and other academics to foster a sense of responsibility and to protect and prevent things that we don’t want”. “With this training, it is hoped that we will be able to identify and reduce the risks of loss, take preventive measures and evacuation steps, as well as our efforts to prevent disasters from occurring. Thank you to the resource persons from the BP Batam Fire Department for sharing, and good luck with this training. I hope it will be useful”, explained Zaen.
Also on this occasion, Tarigan, S.T., gave his speech, “We from the BP Batam Fire Mitigation and Handling Sub-Directorate provide guidance regarding the prevention of fire hazards in buildings. This is related to security against building fires, which will be conveyed by friends of the fire department. In addition, it is also related to building planning systems, safety equipment, and building safety equipment maintenance. It is hoped that this knowledge about fires can be transmitted again in your community. Enjoy this training for all of you.”
The event started with the screening of a safety induction video at the Polibatam campus. afterward, it was continued with a training presentation session by Mr. Acong. In this session, the steps related to tackling and preventing fire disasters are explained. The presentation of these materials is accompanied by case examples and can be carried out during evacuation for prevention in the future.
Besides, this training also provides knowledge related to the techniques that can be undertaken by the participants so that they can use the Apar (Fire Extinguisher) according to the burning material so that they can quickly and accurately extinguish the fire. The participants also participated in simulations and emergency response and evacuation during a fire disaster at the Polibatam Technopreneur Center building.
It is hoped that with the training and simulation of fire emergency response, the knowledge that has been received by the participants related to fire disaster mitigation can be disseminated to other academics so that we have a sense of responsibility in preventing fire disasters in the Polibatam campus environment.
#Polibatam #BPBatam #Training #FireEmergencyResponse