Polibatam Organized Online Learning Application Service Program at SMK Pertiwi Batam

NEWS-The program for downstream online learning application products is a service program at once as PBL (Project Based Learning) for Polibatam students, especially the Informatics Engineering Department. Activities carried out within one semester are to develop online learning application products, train, and assist in implementing online learning.
Previously, the government imposed activity restrictions (PPKM) which required schools to study online. These conditions certainly require certain skills, it is necessary to prepare skills in grasping IT tools to support future learning in the VUCA era (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity). This means very fast changes (volatility), uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity, so it is necessary to have good preparation from the HR side (teachers, students, and parents).
This activity was held on Wednesday, 9 November 2022 at SMK Pertiwi Batam which was attended directly by Ms. Robianna, S.Pd., as Principal of SMK Pertiwi, Ms. Pepilia, S.Pd., the Deputy Head of Curriculum, Mr. Antonio, S.Ked., the Head of the Department, and Dwi Ely Kurniawan, S.Pd., M. Kom., the PBL supervisor in this community service. This agenda discussed and shared how to implement online learning application products as an alternative means of learning in the future.
“Hopefully this application product made by Polibatam students can be an alternative in providing learning facilities and infrastructure at your school,” said Dwi.
The learning model utilizes electronic learning applications (e-learning) that can be accessed by students in the form of text, pdf, video, and animation files that support the subject matter. SMK Pertiwi Batam welcomed and was enthusiastic about this program. It is hoped that the application product can be an alternative in providing learning facilities and infrastructure in border/hinterland areas.
#Polibatam #SMKPertiwi #CommunityService