Polibatam Opens Diploma 3 Geomatics Engineering Study Program to Prepare Geospatial Experts

NEWS-The use of geospatial information is very broad, including its relation to the ongoing development in Batam City and other areas throughout Indonesia. This development requires one of the human resources who are experts in the field of Geospatial. For this reason, Polibatam has also opened a Diploma 3 Geomatics Engineering study program.
Geomatics is a science and technology that studies the measurement of objects on earth that involves the use of computers and communication and information technology in the collection (survey), processing and analysis, presentation (drawing), storage (storage), as well as management and distribution of surface space information of earth to support various decision-making. D3 Geomatics Engineering Study Program at Politeknik Negeri Batam was established based on the decree of the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia Number 38/KPT/I/2015 concerning the opening of the D3 Geomatics Engineering Study Program at Politeknik Negeri Batam. There are 5 sub-sectors organized in accordance with the SKKNI-Geospatial Information, namely: terrestrial surveys, hydrography, remote sensing, geographic information systems, and cartography. Geomatics Engineering also processes geospatial data including data about geographic locations, dimensions or sizes, and/or characteristics of natural and/or man-made objects that are below or above the earth’s surface.
Graduates of this Geomatics Engineering program are designed to have the capacity in the field of processing geospatial data including data about geographic locations, dimensions or sizes, and/or characteristics of natural, and/or man-made objects that are below, on, or above the earth’s surface. There are 6 sub-fields of activity in the field of geospatial information, namely: terrestrial surveys, hydrography, photogrammetry, remote sensing, geographic information systems, and cartography. Of course, this knowledge plays an important role in supporting the success of the current development.
Geomatics Engineering Study Program graduates have good career prospects, namely being able to work as terrestrial surveyors, hydrographic surveyors, and GIS technicians/specialists. all of them at the level of the position as the main operator. This career prospect in the future is very good considering that projects under construction are continuously being carried out in Batam and other cities.
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