Polibatam Multimedia and Network Engineering Student Join IISMAVO Program: Studying at La Trobe University, Australia

NEWS-IISMAVO (Indonesian International Student Mobility Awards Vocational Edition) is a government scholarship scheme that funds Indonesian vocational students to undergo mobility programs at universities and industries abroad for one semester. Currently, IISMAVO has merged and become one with the IISMA program (IISMA was formerly specialized for undergraduates). IISMAVO consists of 3 schemes; industrial Experience Program, Class-based learning + Industrial experiences, and Class-based learning.
“This program covers the costs of our needs starting from registration fees & tutorial fees, flight tickets, visa settlement allowances, living allowances, PCR, Quarantine & Health Insurance & emergency funds (if something bad happens, but hopefully this one doesn’t happen),” said Umi, one of the Polibatam Multimedia and Network Engineering students (IISMAVO awardee). Of course, many students want to know how Umi succeeded in becoming an IISMAVO awardee. In this article, Umi will share her story.
Umi said that she chose Australia because the study program that was in line/linear with her study program existed at several universities in Aussie and at that time, she saw Aussie as a safe country and far from existing political conflicts. Aussie is also not too far from Indonesia when compared to flying to Europe. He also heard that many people were continuing their studies in Australia and this was evident when he got there. There are so many international students studying there, there are students who come from India, Indonesia, China, the Philippines, and also local Australians. Anyway, it’s very multicultural.
During the IISMAVO program, there are not only learning sessions but also traveling sessions. Umi said “the activities that I have done so far are studying at La Trobe College Australia and exploring the city of Melbourne. If there is free time for classes and all assignments have been done or on weekends, my friends and I try to explore some places in Melbourne to learn the rules and culture in Aussie.”
“Here I took the Undergraduate Certificate of Information Technology in Marketing class which lasted for 4 months. The materials studied include Marketing Stand & Deliver (something new that I will learn), Data Based Critical Thinking, Writing for Media, and Information Technology,” said Umi.
From her experience during IISMAVO, Umi said “the fun I got here, I learned a new education system, where every meeting in the lecture class will direct us to discuss with our group mates to answer questions together. And for each course, there are different standards for us to pass in that course. Some are from exams, some are from daily assignments that are given. Here I also met other international students who came from several countries. Here we can also consult about our essays and study activities with student advisors and PAL mentors on campus. And the most exciting thing is that there are often events that give us free meals/dinner.”
For all #PolibatamFriends who are interested in participating in the IISMAVO program, Umi conveyed her advice “to get to this stage, there are many obstacles and challenges to be faced. Starting from program registration, always look and find out the terms and conditions of the program from IISMAVO, then take the English test to get an English certificate (IELTS, TOEFL, Duolingo, TOEIC). For countries like Australia, the USA, and Europe I recommend more take IELTS, TOEFL, or Duolingo. Then, prepare an interesting essay to register for this IISMAVO program. If you have passed, #PolibatamFriends will proceed to the interview stage and choose the campus you want. Don’t forget to always pray and try your best, friends”.
Umi also motivates #PolibatamFriends, “while we are young and energetic, let’s use our time and energy to explore and gain more knowledge. Never be afraid to try new and good things to learn and make valuable experiences. Let’s be bolder to expand our comfort zone and start applying the growth mindset principle. Cheer up, #PolibatamFriends.”
“We are waiting for the other IISMAVO awardees from Polibatam. Don’t be afraid to fail. Be afraid not to try – Michael Jordan”, said Umi.
Source: @MJPolibatam
#Polibatam #IISMAVO