Polibatam Mechatronics Engineering Study Program Held Community Service, “PLC and Arm Robot for Vocational School Students” at Vocational Schools in Batam

POLIBATAM-PLC and Arm Robot for vocational school students, with this theme, community service activity was held by lecturers in the Department of Electrical Engineering, Politeknik Negeri Batam (Polibatam), especially the Mechatronics Engineering Study Program. The PLC and Arm Robot Training lasted for two days with students from several vocational schools in Batam, including those from SMKN 3, SMKN 5, SMKN 7, SMK Hang Nadim, and SMK Kartini on Thursday and Friday, 12-13 October 2023. The event was held in the Polibatam main building, room 508 (automation laboratory) and 506 (pneumatic laboratory).
This community service activity focuses on disseminating knowledge in the field of Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) and Arm Robot so that students get to know the industrial world from an early age. The hope is that students will be able to understand how to program, install, mechanically, and electrically PLC and Robot Arm. In the future, with motivation, they can choose the field they will take. Besides, it is also a means of promoting the D4 Mechatronics Engineering Study Program.

This activity was attended by lecturers, laboratory staff in the Department of Electrical Engineering, and students from the Mechatronics Study Program. The speaker on the first day explained the introduction and basics of PLC programming presented by Abdurahman Dwijotomo, S.ST., M.Sc. Then, the next day, the focus was on problem-solving and evaluation by students supervised by Diono, S.Tr. T., M.Sc., and Fadli Firdaus, M.Pd. Arm Robot was introduced by students supervised by Dr. Budi Sugandi, M.Eng., Adlian Jefiza, S.Pd., M.T., and Muhammad Naufal Airlangga Diputra, S.Pd., M.P.H. This training was also assisted by laboratory staff who are competent in the field of PLC and Arm Robot, including Dwi Imam Mulyono A.Md., Juliansyah Yanggu, S.Tr.T., Yessi Deviana, S.Tr.T., and Shelly Sri Pitriani, A.Md.

The vocational school students who participated in the PLC and Arm Robot training were enthusiastic about participating in every session they attended. During the technical process of practical assistance, each participant was assisted by Mechatronics Study Program students who were tasked with organizing and managing this community service event. Student involvement in this service is one of the outcomes of Project Based Learning in implementing their lectures. For students, of course, this can be a new experience as well as increasing understanding and applying what they have learned in the learning process.

Community Service activities through PLC and Arm Robot training for vocational school students in Batam City ran smoothly and received positive feedback from the 5 participating vocational schools. It is hoped that this activity will continue and be held regularly. This activity can run smoothly with support from the 2023 Community Service Program/Program Pengabdian Masyarakat (P2M), Electrical Engineering lecturers and laboratory assistants, and Polibatam Mechatronics Engineering Students.

Scriptwriter: Muhammad Naufal Airlangga and Fadli Firdaus
#Polibatam #MechanicalEnginering #ElectricalEngineering #CommunityService #PLC #ArmRobot #Vocation #PBL