Polibatam Mechanical Engineering Student Association Cleans Lake Batam Center Pond Park, Creates a Clean Environment

POLIBATAM-Environmental cleanliness is an essential aspect of our daily lives that is often overlooked. Unfortunately, the lack of public awareness of the importance of environmental hygiene has harmed the environment. A dirty environment will undoubtedly hurt the surrounding area, especially water areas such as rivers and lakes. This can result in a lack of comfort and can have an impact on other sectors.
Therefore, the Mechanical Engineering Student Association and Politeknik Negeri Batam (Polibatam) Engineering Department held an environmental cleanup activity for the Lake Batam Center Pond Park environment on Saturday, August 18 2023.
“This activity is one of the manifestations of the Tridarma of higher education, to create concern for fellow citizens, create a sense of responsibility and togetherness for the environment, and create a beautiful environment to be enjoyed together”, said Aulia P. Siregar (Chairman of the Machinery Student Association).
Cross-class students in the Mechanical Engineering Department attended this clean environment activity as an introduction to student activities. In addition to studying, students also need to do activities that benefit the surrounding environment. This activity also aims to train inter-service cohesiveness and communication, which is expected to expedite the learning process at Polibatam, mainly by applying the PBL learning method where communication, smart work, and team coordination are indicators that must be fulfilled to complete learning.
In the Mechanical Engineering Department, there are 5 study programs currently running and 1 new study program including Mechanical Engineering (D3), Shipbuilding Construction Engineering Technology (D4), Aircraft Maintenance Engineering (D3), Welding and Fabrication Engineering Technology (D4), Engineer Professional Program, and most recently Metallurgical Engineering Technology (D4).
#Polibatam #MechanicalEngineering #PBL #Vocation #CommunityService