Polibatam Library Held Quantitative Statistics Literacy with BPS Kepri

BATAM-Politeknik Negeri Batam (Polibatam) Library together with the Riau Islands Statistics Center/Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) Kepri held a sharing session on the topic “quantitative statistics with BPS Kepri”. This activity was carried out virtually using the zoom meeting application on Thursday (23/09/2022).
This activity was opened by the head of the library, Maryani Septiana. In the opening remarks, she conveyed that this activity could help all polybatam academics in using quantitative statistics. This activity was followed by a presentation of material by a resource person from the Riau Islands BPS, Mrs. Hafti Mardiah.
The material presented was in the form of statistical data for Batam City and continued with general quantitative methods. After all the material was delivered by the speakers, the event continued with an active discussion and question and answer session by all participants.
Hafti Mardiah as the resource person said “hopefully with this activity, the Polibatam academic community will be able to use quantitative research methods to support the teaching and learning process at Polibatam”.
#Polibatam #BPS #QuantitativeStatistics