Polibatam Inaugurates Graduates of 1263 Applied Bachelors and Associate Experts from 21 Study Programs and Professional Engineer Study Programs

POLIBATAM- Polibatam has held an offline inauguration procession for 1263 graduates of Applied Bachelor and Associate Expert candidates from 21 Study Programs at the Pacific Palace Hotel, Batu Ampar, Batam, on 25 and 26 October 2023.
Graduation was held for 2 days, the first day for the Informatics Engineering Department and the Electrical Engineering Department and the second day for the Business Management Department and the Mechanical Engineering Department. The event was attended by Polibatam Management, Including Uuf Brajawidagda as Director, Ahmad Riyad Firdaus as Deputy Director I, Muhammad Zaenuddin as Deputy Director III and the entire Senate, Head of Department, Secretary of the Department and Head of Study Programs, and invited guests from industrial partners. This graduation ceremony was also attended by the Mayor of Batam and Chairman of BP Batam, H. Muhammad Rudi.
In his speech, the Director of Polibatam said, “The data I received is that 55% of the graduates are already working; let’s encourage those who haven’t worked to be able to become entrepreneurs and work. In the future, Batam City will have a lot of investment, so it is hoped that graduates will be able to play their role by working or becoming entrepreneurs.”
H. Muhammad Rudi, in his speech, said, “Batam City is planning to have a lot of action from Batam State Polytechnic graduates because there will be a lot of infrastructure development in the economic sector and facilities.” “After graduation, you will definitely think about where you want to go… We are building Batam for the Batam people, and this is also an economic resource for all. Come on, look for existing opportunities, become an entrepreneur, and let’s contribute to our beloved city of Batam!” added Rudi.
During the event, Polibatam presented guest star Ridwan Remin, who is the 7th Kompas TV Stand-Up Comedy Champion, to lighten the atmosphere of the inauguration procession. Then, there was also a speech from the Chairman of Polibatam Alumni, Fendi Hidayat. “Thank you for the blessings from Allah, and also thank you to all the graduates’ trustees who have enabled the students to be able to complete their assignments during their study period,” said Fendi.
The event continued with the presentation of active student scholarships, which were a contribution from PT Mora Telekomunikasi as a service provider as the Polibatam Internet provider and the Polibatam Alumni Association (IA).
Polibatam Campus also gave awards to graduates who excelled in each study program. They are Amalia C Ramadhania from the Informatics Engineering Study Program, Rafly Aditia from the Geomatics Engineering Study Program, Sultan I A Yuswan Syah from the Multimedia and Network Engineering Study Program, Yosephine S Simare Mare from the Animation Study Program, Tassya E from the Electronics Manufacturing Study Program, Nibras F Zuhra from the Instrumentation Study Program, Salman A from the Robotics Engineering Study Program, Kartika from the Energy Generation Engineering Technology Study Program, Rahel C Angelina from the Accounting Study Program, Gabriella S Siregar from the Applied Business Administration Study Program, Erza R Andiri from Managerial Accounting Study Program, Ruan A from the Mechanical Engineering Study Program, Zanjabiel N from the Aircraft Maintenance Engineering Study Program, and Wiratmoko from the Professional Engineer Study Program.
It is hoped that with this graduation procession, the Polibatam graduate students will be successful in their careers, continue to learn to develop their abilities, and continue to make their beloved alma mater proud.
Greetings Polibatam
#Polibatam #Graduation2023