Polibatam Holds Vocational Show 2022, Uuf: Filled with Four Big Activities

Director General of Vocational Higher Education, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology, Dr. Ir. Kiki Yuliati., M.Sc., opened the 2022 Vocational Show on the 3rd floor, Politeknik Negeri Batam (Polibatam), on Tuesday (2/8/2022). The event lasts until Wednesday (3/7/2022). Kiki expressed her gratitude for the efforts and dedication of all leaders of the Polytechnics, industrial partners, the business world, and other parties who contributed to this event. Many of the extraordinary and good works of the Polytechnics have not been widely known by the public. This needs to be informed.
Kiki reminded us that we don’t need to be afraid that jobs will be lost to be replaced by robots because of the students who make and operate the robots. ”Keep working and do the best. Don’t disappoint us (Director General, Lecturer, ed)” said Kiki.
Meanwhile, the Student Affairs Coordinating Board representative or Badan Koordinasi Kemahasiswaan (Bakorma), Iwa Sudrajat, S.T., M.T., said that Bakorma is a forum for Deputy Directors 3 of Polytechnics throughout Indonesia, which accommodates various competitions for students’ talents and interests. Currently, there are 15 activities according to students’ talents and interests as well as scientific fields. In the future, it is hoped that this event will be facilitated. For instance, there will be a rotating trophy of the Director General of Vocations. So far, each campus is still independent.
Further, the Director of Polibatam, Uuf Brajawidagda, S.T., M.T., Ph.D., added that in the 2022 Vocational Show, there are 4 major activities, i.e., National Polytechnic Informatics Student Competition or Kompetisi Mahasiswa Informatika Politeknik Nasional (KMIPN) IV, Project Based Learning (PBL) Expo 2022, Job Fair, and Polibatam Fair.
Uuf said, at the KMIPN IV event, there were 628 teams that qualified and 115 were finalists. They come from 26 Polytechnics throughout Indonesia. This year 2022 is the fourth time after being successfully held previously at Politeknik Negeri Malang in 2021, Politeknik Caltex Riau in 2019, and Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya in 2018. This time, KMIPN IV was held at Politeknik Negeri Batam with the theme “Indonesia is Getting More Competent in Informatics“. The theme was chosen in line with the Excellent HR program from the President of the Republic of Indonesia and also the Merdeka Kampus program from the Minister of Education and Culture.
Then, the second year of the PBL EXPO was held at the Polibatam Technopreneur Center building. There were 104 participants, and there was a new participant from Politeknik Ketapang. Also present were the director of the polytechnic, deputy directors, lecturers, and representatives of polytechnics who were finalists in this national event.
At the Job Fair, there were companies that carry out recruitment. The participating companies include PT Sumitomo, Panasonic Industrial Devices, Simatelex, and others. There were also Polibatam Fair, Hadroh competition, Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) exhibitions, and others.
The 2022 Vocational Show looked very crowded, attended by hundreds of students, SMK students throughout Batam, and the industries. The students were seen displaying their various works, especially in the fields of science and technology (Science), photos, animation works on laptops, and others.
Also present at this event, the Deputy Director I for Academic Affairs of Polibatam, Ahmad Riyad Firdaus, S.Si., M.T., Ph.D.; Deputy Director II for General Administration and Finance, Bambang Hendrawan, S.T., MSM. CIPMP. CISCP.; Deputy Director III for Student Affairs, Cooperation, and Alumni, Dr. Muhammad Zaenuddin S.Si., M.Sc.; the Head of the Innovation and Business Services Unit or Unit Hilirisasi Inovasi dan Layanan Bisnis (SHILAU), Muslim Ansori, S.E., M.Ak., CPA. CA.; AMTO Polibatam Accountable Manager, Dr. Priyono Eko Sanyoto, S.T., DEA. IPU.; and other Polibatam academic communities.
Source: Batam Pos
#Polibatam #PBLEXPO #KMIPNIV #Vocation