Polibatam Holds Vocational Show 2022

NEWS-Politeknik Negeri Batam is holding the 2022 Vocational Show. Along with this activity, the following series of events are also held:
– National Polytechnic Informatics Student Competition IV
– PBL Expo 2022
– Polibatam Fair
– Job Fair
The 2022 vocational performance has been held at Politeknik Negeri Batam Campus, 2-3 August 2022. The 2022 vocational show is opened directly by the Director General of Vocational, Dr. Ir. Kiki Yuliati, M.Sc., and the Director of Polibatam, Uuf Brajawidagda, Ph.D.
Kompetisi Mahasiswa Informatika Politeknik Nasional (KMIPN) IV 2022, i.e., the National Polytechnic Informatics Student Competition, is a prestigious event for vocational higher education institutions in the field of informatics. This year 2022 is the fourth time after being successfully held previously at Malang State Polytechnic in 2021, Caltex Riau Polytechnic in 2019, and Surabaya State Electronics Polytechnic in 2018. This time KMIPN IV was held at Politeknik Negeri Batam with the theme “Indonesia is Getting More Competent in Informatics. ” The theme was chosen in line with the excellent human resources program from the President of the Republic of Indonesia and also the Freedom Campus/Kampus Merdeka program from the Minister of Education and Culture.
The holding of this competition is a form of contribution from Polytechnic students throughout Indonesia in building superior human resources in the field of informatics. Technology exhibitions and workshops are also part of a series of events in this activity to add insight into technological developments and meet the latest industry needs.
KMIPN IV presents eight competition categories in the field of Information and communication technologies (ICT):
- Hackathon
- Cyber Security
- E-Government
- ICT Sector Business Design
- Animation
- Internet of Things (IoT)
- Creating Innovations in the Field of ICT
- Game Application Development
PBL EXPO displays various products resulting from independent learning with the PBL concept involving industrial partners and the business world in Batam, Riau Islands, nationally, and internationally with collaboration between study programs at the Polibatam Campus.
Polibatam Fair featured various student activity units or UKM, student organizations on the Polibatam campus, hadroh competitions, and various fostered bazaars as well as business and industrial partners of Polibatam.
Polibatam Job Fair displays various job vacancies from partner companies that can be applied to by Polibatam alumni and the Batam community. The participating companies include PT. Sumitomo, Panasonic Industrial Devices, Simatelex, and others.
Hopefully, with this 2022 vocational show, the public will know closely the various innovative products that have been produced by the Polibatam campus through PBL EXPO, KMIPN IV 2022 competition, industrial partners, and the Polibatam business world. In the end, the wider community can choose a vocational campus to continue studies.
Strong Vocational Strengthens Indonesia
Greetings Polibatam…
#Polibatam #Vocation #PBLEXPO #KMIPNIV #PolibatamFair #JobFair #VocationalPerformance2022