Polibatam held Socialization & Handover of Community Service Output through the Project Based Learning (PBL) Scheme: Procedures & Applications based on Collaboration System (SIKERMA) Web at SMKN 6 Batam

POLIBATAM-Politeknik Negeri Batam (Polibatam) held Socialization and handover of Community Service Output activities through the Project-Based Learning (PBL) scheme “Procedures & Applications based on Collaboration System/Sistem Kerjasama (SIKERMA) Web at SMKN 6 Batam”. This activity occurred on Tuesday, 12 December 2023, in the SMKN 6 Batam Hall from 13.00 WIB to 14.50 WIB.
This activity was attended by the Deputy Principal for Public Relations of SMKN 6 Batam, Dasril Jonedi, ST., M.Pd.; Deputy Principal for Student Affairs, Mahmudi, S.Ag,.M. M.Pd.; Polibatam Lecturer Team, Himawan Mochtoha, S.Tr.AB, MBA., as PBL Project Manager; and Maryani Septiana, S. Sos, M. Hum.; Polibatam PBL students, teachers as well as staff of SMKN 6 Batam.
In this activity, Dasril thanked Polibatam for carrying out this community service activity. He hopes that the Sikerma web-based application can be useful for SMKN 6 Batam in managing collaboration more effectively and that this activity is also proof of the sustainability of the assistance for the SMK Center of Excellence (SMKPK) program, which has been implemented since 2021. SMKN 6 Batam is a vocational school located in a strategic area surrounded by various multinational companies in the Kabil Industrial Area.
“It is very important for vocational schools to use this opportunity to increase the number of industrial collaborations, one of which is by digitalizing the collaboration proposal and monitoring process using the Cooperation system application (Sikerma). “Through this application, SMKN 6 Batam can display cooperation anytime and anywhere, making it very easy for SMKN 6 Batam, especially the Public Relations and Cooperation section,” said Dasril, the Deputy Principal for Public Relations.
The Project Manager, Mr. Himawan Mochtoha, said that this community service activity is a form of Polibatam’s contribution to the community to improve the quality of vocational education, which cannot be separated from the Industrial Business and Industrial World (DUDI) Cooperation. This is also a concrete example of the implementation of project-based learning, which can be collaborated between education and community service, as well as collaboration between various subjects. Most importantly, it produces useful output for society.
“I hope this activity can benefit SMKN 6 Batam in improving the quality of cooperation management. “He also said that Polibatam also received appreciation from the Ministry of Education and Culture through the Academic Directorate of Vocational Higher Education (APTV) in the categories of the Number of PBL Projects Implemented (1st Rank) and Number of PBL Results Used by the Community (1st Rank),” said Toha.
This Project-based Learning is a proposal from the Polibatam Lecturers Team to increase the efficiency of collaboration management through the integration of web technology and open up new opportunities for progress in the world of education through partnerships, especially at SMKN 6 Batam. PBL runs for 3 months, starting from September to November 2023. During the activity process, PBL is divided into 2 (two) teams with student members from the Informatics Engineering (IF) Department consisting of Raihan Alfitrah, Nabilah, Sytinur Aidil Arsyah, and those from the Business Management (MB) Department consisting of Zarah Azahara, Dittha Nabilah Bilqis, Hafizah Zahira Rahmadani Bancin, and Andi TriSaputra Sihotang. Also, 2 PMM students joined: Mayriana Omega Kalalo (Manado State Polytechnic) and Putri A’inurrohmah (Jakarta State Polytechnic).
In the PBL work process, the IF team designed a collaboration system (SIKERMA) web application. Meanwhile, the MB team was tasked with working on the manual procedures of the collaboration business process for SMKN 6 Batam.
During the socialization and output submission activities, Polibatam students explained the results of the community service activities that had been carried out. The results of this activity are in the form of SIKERMA web-based procedures and applications. This web-based application can facilitate the management of collaboration data, from planning to implementation to evaluating collaboration conducted by SMKN 6 Batam with industrial partners. The discussion after the presentation and explanation carried out by the MB team and IF team took place smoothly and full of enthusiasm.
Both the deputy principal of the public relations section and the student affairs section along with the SMKN 6 Batam school staff, actively participated in asking questions and discussing the web-based collaboration system application that the IF Polibatam team had designed. After the discussion session, a short video was shown regarding the work process during the PBL.
The Principal of SMKN 6 Batam, at this event, was represented by Mr. Dasril Junaedi as Deputy Head of Public Relations, received output from community service activities in the form of Sikerma Applications, Plaques and flash disks containing soft files of manual procedure documents for collaboration business processes. Handing over the plaque and flash disk to SMKN 6 Batam was symbolically interpreted as a sign of the end of this Community Service PBL.
SMKN 6 Batam received this community service output in the form of a web-based Cooperation System (SIKERMA) Application and manual cooperation business process procedures. The output of the manual cooperation business procedure was in the form of the following documents:
1. Cooperation Program Planning Procedures
2. Cooperation Initiation Procedure
3. Cooperation Implementation Procedures
4. Collaboration Monitoring & Evaluation Procedures
5. Collaboration Administrative Management Procedures
The activity closed with a group photo between SMKN 6 Batam and the entire team from the Politeknik Negeri Batam. Through a positive response to the goals and benefits of PBL, the collaboration between Politeknik Negeri Batam and SMKN 6 Batam not only improves the quality of education but also opens up new opportunities for innovation and progress in education. This socialization and handover of community service output activities is a milestone in enriching the learning environment and proving that investment in education is an investment for a brighter future.
Greetings Polibatam #Polibatam #SMKN6Batam #CommunityService #PBL #SIKERMA #Vocation