Polibatam Held CNC Simulator Training, for Vocational High School Students in Riau Islands

Batampos – Batam State Polytechnic (Polibatam) held a Computer Numerical Control (CNC) simulator training for SMK students throughout Riau Islands at the Polibatam Technopreneur Center Building, starting Tuesday (26/7/2022) to Wednesday (27/7/2022). The Riau Islands Province level event was opened by the Head of the Mechanical Engineering Department, Sapto Wiratno Satoto, S.T., M.T.
“This activity is a form of one of the Tridharma of Higher Education, i.e., Community Service through Project Based Learning (PBL),” said Sapto, Monday (26/9/2022). According to Sapto, CNC machining is one of the machining processes used to make precision components and complex shapes. Quoted from the basic data of SMK in 2022, competence in this field has not been satisfactory.
This is supposed, said Sapto, because the number of available CNC machines for the number of students is not sufficient, with one machine for every nine students. To bridge this problem, a CNC simulator can be a solution for students’ need to learn to use CNC machines. The competency material given is the simulation of CNC machine controller for path and post-processor G/M code and the implementation of using a 3-axis CNC machine.
This activity was fostered by Ir. Benny Haddli Irawan, M.T., IPM., ASEAN Eng; Ihsan Saputra, S.T., M.T.; Ir. Rahman Hakim, M.Sc., ASEAN Eng; Widodo, S.T., M.T.; Budi Baharudin, S.T., M.T.; and Adhe Aryswan, S.Pd., MSi.
The head of the Service team who is also the Head of the Mechanical Engineering Study Program, Ir. Benny Haddli Irawan, M.T., ASEAN Eng. said that this activity was aimed at establishing partnerships between Polibatam and Vocational Schools throughout the Riau Islands. The goal is an effort to improve the curriculum, service, and teaching factory.
Benny berharap seluruh program tersebut mampu menghasilkan tenaga kerja terampil, siap pakai, inovatif, dan adaptif di bidang permesinan CNC.
Source: Batam Pos
#Polibatam #CNC #Vocation #PBL