Polibatam has Become a Perpetual Member of the Collaborator Worldwide CDIO Initiative and the only one from Indonesia

NEWS-Worldwide CDIO Initiative is an innovative educational framework to produce graduates who have holistic and reliable abilities and are in line with the needs of the workforce. This framework provides students with education and learning through product, process, or service development experiences that adopt the context of developing systems and products in the real world through the Conceive – Design – Implement – Operate (CDIO) cycle. Around the globe, members/collaborators of the worldwide CDIO Initiative have adopted CDIO as a framework for curriculum planning and outcome-based assessment (OBA).
In 2021, Politeknik Negeri Batam (Polibatam) has begun to adopt the CDIO framework to improve and strengthen the quality of project-based education and learning (PBL) in the Applied Bachelor of Robotics Engineering Study Program, which was further expanded to 18 study programs that are in Polibatam. In 2022, after going through a series of planning, design, implementation, proposals, and proposal presentations, Polibatam participated in the CDIO Asian Regional Meeting, on 11-14 October 2022 at Singapore Polytechnic to become a member of the Collaborator Worldwide CDIO Initiative. After going through discussions and voting by all members of the worldwide CDIO initiative, it was determined that Polibatam was accepted as a perpetual member of the Collaborator Worldwide CDIO Initiative, and became the first/the one and only from Indonesia.
In 2022, many universities around the globe are applying to become members of the Collaborator Worldwide CDIO Initiative. However, for those invited to present at the CDIO Asian Regional Meeting, on 11-14 October 2022 at Singapore Polytechnic, there were 5 universities from 5 countries, including Taiwan, the Philippines, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, and Turkmenistan. Of the 5 countries called for presentations, only 2 countries were accepted as members of the Collaborator Worldwide CDIO Initiative, including Indonesia (Politeknik Negeri Batam) and the Philippines (Batangas State University).
#Polibatam #CDIO #Indonesia