Polibatam Explores D2 Fast Track Cooperation in Graphic Communication Study Program

NEWS-The Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) through the Directorate General of Vocational Education has a number of programs to improve the quality of vocational education graduates. One of them is the SMK-D2 Fast Track program.
The SMK-D2 Fast Track program is one of the vocational programs with the aim to improve student competence as vocational graduates. The core of this program is a mass “wedding” between vocational schools (SMK), Diploma 2 (D2), businesses, and industries.
The technical concept of this program is that students who have studied for 3 years in SMK will continue their education for another 1.5 years or 3 semesters (one semester in college and two semesters in industry) to get the D2 degree.
Polibatam is currently exploring a partnership in opening the D2 Fast Track program in Graphic Communication Study Program. This was conveyed during the signing of a cooperation agreement/perjanjian kerjasama (PKS) with SMK and Industries in the context of opening the D2 fast-track in Graphic Communications Study Program at Polibatam, Wednesday, September 14, 2022, in the Tanjung Piayu Studio, 3rd Floor, Technopreneur Building.
Hopefully, after the PKS Signing procession, this program can soon be opened at Polibatam.
Greetings Polibatam…
#Polibatam #SMK #D2Fast-Track #Vocation