Polibatam Establishes Cooperation with Institut Teknologi Perkebunan Pelalawan Indonesia and SMK Negeri 3 Batam

NEWS-Polibatam’s collaboration with Institut Teknologi Perkebunan Pelalawan Indonesia and SMK Negeri 3 Batam is inseparable from the efforts to implement Polibatam’s mission, i.e., implementing the Tri Dharma of Higher Education. On that occasion, a memorandum of understanding was signed between Institut Teknologi Perkebunan Pelalawan Indonesia represented by Muhammad Syafi’i as the Head of the Institute, and Polibatam which was directly represented by the Director of Politeknik Negeri Batam, Uuf Brajawidagda. The scope of the memorandum of understanding is directly related to education, research, human resource development, and community service.
The memorandum of understanding with SMK Negeri 3 was represented by Refio as the Principal and Sri Puji Lestari as the Coordinator of the Planning, Public Relations, and Cooperation Unit of Polibatam. The scope with SMK Negeri 3 is the alignment of the education curriculum, meeting the needs of teachers, and competency testing to the internship process in the industry.
#Polibatam #InstitutTeknologiPerkebunanPelalawan #SMK3Batam #Cooperation