Polibatam Engineer Professional Program Opens Every Semester, Engineering Bachelors Should Have an Engineer Registration Certificate

POLIBATAM-Politeknik Negeri Batam (Polibatam) Campus, which is now a public higher education-public service agency/Perguruan Tinggi Negeri-Badan Layanan Umum (PTN – BLU) opens a Study Program of Professional Engineer Program/Program Studi Program Profesi Insinyur (PS PPI) for every semester.
The Director of Polibatam, Uuf Brajawidagda, ST., MT., Ph.D., also the first PS PPI student batch, instructed that each semester begins the inaugural lecture. “Education begins for the PSPPI both through recognition of past learning (RPL) and regular,” said Uuf.
Meanwhile, the Head of the Study Program, Ir. Rahman Hakim, ST., M.Sc., IPM ASEAN Eng., added that based on the mandate of Law 11 of 2014, the Bachelor of Engineering graduates are not allowed to practice engineering before getting an Engineer Registration Certificate/Surat Tanda Registrasi Insinyur (STRI).” “Engineering practice here has a broad meaning. Among other things, is working on engineering activities starting from technical education programs in both the government and private sectors up to the government level,” he said.
Registration for this program is open every semester, both odd and even. And prospective students register online according to a predetermined date. If the registration period has passed, registration from prospective students will still be accepted and included in the waiting list in the next semester. Polibatam PSPPI is held through two schemes, i.e. the Regular class (fresh graduate) and the RPL class (min. 2 years experience).
PSPPI curriculum consists of 24 credits, both Regular and RPL classes. RPL classes are held for 1 semester (6 months) and regular classes are held for at least 2 semesters (1 year). Finally, after graduating from Polibatam PSPPI, students were entitled to hold the title of Engineer/Insinyur (Ir).
Currently, there are already 56 first-batch PSPPI students. Consisting of 54 percent of professionals, 12.5 percent of government circles, and the rest from academics. In the near future, a professional oath degree will be held. Prospective graduates have gone through various assignments and deserve to be assessed to take this professional oath degree.
In line with Polibatam’s strategic plan for 2022-2025, the number of Polibatam PSPPI new students in the future is targeted to reach a minimum of 100 students for each semester. This is in line with the work plan of the Indonesian Engineers Association on accelerating the number of professional engineers at the national level.
For #PolibatamFriends who want to know more clearly and register for the PSPPI, please register online at the link https://registrasi.polibatam.ac.id/jalur-masuk/program-profesi-insinyur-psppi/
#Polibatam #PSPPI #Insinyur