Polibatam Collaborates with Pekanbaru City Government in PSDKU State Polytechnic in Pekanbaru & Cooperates with Pekanbaru Business Community

NEWS-Polibatam attended the Focus Group Discussion (FGD) preparation for the Opening of Study Programs outside the Main Campus, meaning “Pembukaan Program Studi diluar Kampus Utama (PSDKU),” i.e. the State Polytechnic in Pekanbaru City. In addition, the signing of the cooperation agreement between Polibatam and the business community in Pekanbaru was also carried out on March 4, 2022, at the Pekanbaru Mayor’s Building, Riau.
The purpose of this agenda is to bridge Polibatam in collaborating with the business community in Pekanbaru City to fulfill the requirements for implementing PSDKU, and also to accelerate regional development, increase regional human resources and community welfare by optimizing character resources. This activity was attended directly by the Mayor of Pekanbaru, Firdaus. Polibatam was represented by Ahmad Riyad Firdaus, Arniati, Sandi Prasetyaningsih, Danar Irianto, Arif Darmawan, Muhammad Fajri, Fadli Suandi, Adhe Aryswan, Dessy Ratnasari, and Oktafian Fajarini.
“This PSDKU is also the forerunner to establishing polytechnic or college that want to be established independently in the region. To build an educational institution, many things should be prepared, i.e. facilities and infrastructure, learning curriculum, and so on. The most important thing is how an educational institution can run well when the college is established” said Rifi.
“Alhamdulillah, my dream in the first period as mayor was to make Pekanbaru a civilized metropolitan city and in the second period, I aspired to Pekanbaru to become a smart city and this has almost come true,” said the mayor of Pekanbaru, Firdaus.

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