Polibatam Becomes the Purpose of Polinef Benchmarking: Get to Know Project Based Learning (PBL) Closer

POLIBATAM-Politeknik Negeri Batam (Polibatam) campus became the benchmarking destination for the Politeknik Negeri Fakfak (Polinef) campus on Wednesday, December 28, 2022. During this visit, the Director of Polinef, Muhammad Subhan, S.ST., MT, and the representatives of departments and units were present in room 301, the main building of the Polibatam campus.
On this occasion, the Deputy Director 1 of Polibatam, Ahmad Riyad Firdaus, Ph.D., and Deputy Director 2, Bambang Hendrawan, ST., MSM., welcomed the Polinef director and the team. The purpose of this Benchmarking is to learn more about the Project Based Learning (PBL) implemented at the Polibatam campus.
Besides, this agenda is also to find out the internal quality assurance system to how the process of preparing the ZI WBK has been achieved by the Polibatam campus. Benchmarking in the planning and staffing section of Polibatam was also carried out by the Polinef campus planning team on this occasion. “We are very pleased with the visit of the Director of Polinef and the team to the Polibatam campus to see directly the PBL process at us,” said Rifi in his remarks.
In addition to the discussion session, the Polinef group also directly saw several Polibatam campus facilities and the students who were carrying out PBL at the Polibatam Technopreneur Center building.
Hopefully, with this benchmarking, the collaboration between the two vocational campuses will be even better in the future.
Greetings Polibatam…
#Polibatam #Polinef #Benchmarking