Polibatam Becomes Benchmarking Destination for Politeknik Negeri Banjarmasin regarding IKU 1 and SAKIP

POLIBATAM-Politeknik Negeri Batam (Polibatam) Campus became the benchmarking destination for the Politeknik Negeri Banjarmasin (PoliBanjarmasin) campus regarding IKU 1 and SAKIP on Thursday, November 23, 2023.
Also, present at the visit was the director of PoliBanjarmasin, Joniriadi, along with the Head of Planning, Finance, and General Affairs, Rooliana, and also with planning, finance, and SPI staff. The activity was welcomed by Polibatam Planning, Public Relations and Cooperation Coordinator, Sri Puji Lestari, and the General Affairs and BMNRT Coordinator, Fuliza Lubis, in room 301 of the Polibatam Main Building.
In the discussion session, several strategies and steps were presented to ensure that the Main Performance Index/Indeks Kinerja Utama (IKU) and Government Agency Performance Accountability System/Sistem Akuntabilitas Kinerja Instansi Pemerintah (SAKIP) were achieved following predetermined standards.
“Polibatam IKU reporting receives full support from management so that the preparation and reporting of achievements can be submitted quickly, accurately, and on time. IKU’s achievements involve all related units that contribute directly, especially departments and all units in Polibatam. The planning team’s strategy in collecting and processing data so that it becomes ready-to-present reporting begins with sending notifications to send performance achievement reports via email, WA, and intense follow-up to department/unit PICs to immediately report their achievements via the Polibatam internal application ([email protected]).
“Furthermore, invite units/departments to monitor and evaluate the performance achievements that have been reported,” said Puji, the planning, public relations, and cooperation/ perencanaan, humans, dan kerjasama (PHK) Coordinator.
In this activity, Polibatam also had the opportunity to discuss accountability management at PoliBanjarmasin. According to the statement from the PoliBanjarmasin planning team, one of the PICs of each IKU that has been appointed is to monitor progress and achievements, so that the planning team just needs to compile it into one report for a meeting with the leadership before the performance achievement report is declared ready to be reported.
Hopefully, with benchmarking or mock study visits, both agencies can get positive input from each other, especially in achieving the Main Performance Index (IKU) and the Government Agency Performance Accountability System (SAKIP).
Greetings Polibatam
#Polibatam #PoliBanjarmasin #Benchmarking #IKU1 #SAKIP