Polibatam Applied Bachelor of Animation Study Program Achieves “BAIK/GOOD” Accreditation

NEWS-Applied Bachelor of Animation Study Program, Informatics Engineering Department, Politeknik Negeri Batam, has received “BAIK/GOOD” Accreditation. The Applied Bachelor of Animation Study program received “BAIK/GOOD” accreditation on July 26, 2022, valid until July 26, 2027, based on a Decree from BAN-PT No. 4702/SK/BAN-PT/Ak/STr/VII/2022.
A great achievement! With the results of this accreditation, Polibatam proves that the Applied Bachelor of Animation Study Program is able to meet the criteria and assessment requirements including the study program curriculum, lecturer and student achievements, teaching and learning processes, research and community service, as well as collaboration with foreign and domestic universities.
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