Polibatam and BPKP Held Socialization of Regulations and Implementation at the Domestic Component Level (TKDN)

POLIBATAM-Polibatam collaborates with BPKP Representatives of Riau Islands Province, held a socialization of regulations and implementation at the Domestic Component Level/Tingkat Komponen Dalam Negeri (TKDN) at the Politeknik Negeri Batam (Polibatam) campus on Monday, 2 October 2023 at the Technopreneur Center Building.
This event presented resource persons from the BPKP Representative of the Riau Islands Province, Yessi Febrianti, S.E., as Middle Auditor and Nunung Nurhayati, Ak., CS, M.M. This socialization event was attended by departments/units in Polibatam and other work units under the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, Technology, and Higher Education in the Riau Islands, including Universitas Raja Ali Haji Maritime (UMRAH), the Riau Islands Education Quality Assurance Center/Balai Penjaminan Mutu Pendidikan (BPMP), and BPKW IV Riau and Riau Islands.
The event was opened by the Director of Polibatam, Dr. Uuf Brajawidagda. Then, material from the resource person was delivered regarding government programs to increase the use of domestic products, which are regulated in Law No. 3 of 2014 concerning Industry, Government Regulation No. 29 of 2018 concerning Industrial Empowerment, Presidential Regulation No.16 of 2018 concerning Government Procurement of Goods/Services, and its amendments in conjunction with Presidential Regulation no. 12 of 2021.
“The regulation explains that there is an obligation to use Domestic Products/Produk Dalam Negeri (PDN) according to the amount of domestic components in each good/service which is indicated by the TKDN value,” explained Yessy.
Implementation of the Program for Increasing the Use of Domestic Products/Program Peningkatan Penggunaan Produk Dalam Negeri (P3DN) starts from procurement planning, procurement preparation, selection preparation, provider selection, contract implementation, and control and handover of work results. The TKDN calculation refers to Minister of Industry Regulation Number 16 of 2011, based on production costs, production processes, products, and a combination of processes and costs.
This activity is expected to be useful for parties related to the procurement of goods/services in government agencies, especially Polibatam, in responding to government policy to implement regulations regarding TKDN.
Greetings Polibatam