Polibatam Ambassadors as One of Polibatam Communication Icons and Candidate for Mawapres 2022

Polibatam Ambassadors as One of Polibatam Communication Icons and Candidate for Mawapres 2022
NEWS- Deputy Director of Polibatam Dr. Muhammad Zaenuddin, S.Si., M.Sc gave a speech at the briefing and workshop of Polibatam Ambassadors. The briefing event was held on Friday, December 3, 2021 at the Polibatam Monas Building. In the speech of Deputy Director 3 for Student Affairs, Cooperation and Alumni, Mr. Zaen said that, “Polibatam ambassadors are not only a communication icon but also prepared as a candidate for Mawapres 2022.
This event was attended by 31 students who were selected to participate in the selection of prospective polibatam ambassadors. The material on personality was presented by a psychologist, Sri Dewi Amalia and the material for public speaking was brought by an alumni of Polibatam and former Chair of BEM 2017, Suryadin.
On this occasion, in addition to the workshop, there was also an announcement of participants who passed to the presentation stage that will be held on December 8, 2021. The assessment stage was grounded in academic and non-academic achievements and also writing creative ideas by the participants of the Polibatam Ambassadors.
Hopefully, with the election of Polibatam ambassadors, those who are elected will be able to carry out their duties as Polibatam cmbassadors and communication icons and also participate in the selection of Mawapres candidates in 2022.
Greetings Polibatam

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