News Release



webadminMay 19, 20231 min read

Registration for Independent Study Batch 5 has been opened. In this batch, Infinite Learning provides 4 programs;– Hybrid Cloud & AI– Mobile Development– Local Game Development– Web Development #Polibatam#IndependentStudy

IBAC 2023 Internal Selection Registration

IBAC 2023 Internal Selection Registration

webadminMay 19, 20231 min read

POLIBATAM-Hello All Colleagues! Now the internal selection of IBAC Polibatam 2023 has opened!! Here comes IBAC 2023 with the theme “Collaboration in diversity to elevate the quality of Business Administration Graduates in the Digital Age”. With 9 competition categories, namely,…

Kajati Strengthens ZI WBK Declaration Towards ZI WBBM, Polibatam Holds Workshop on Corruption Crime Prevention: Polibatam and Perjasa Cooperation

Kajati Strengthens ZI WBK Declaration Towards ZI WBBM, Polibatam Holds Workshop on Corruption Crime Prevention: Polibatam and Perjasa Cooperation

webadminMay 17, 20234 min read

POLIBATAM: At the end of 2022, Polibatam, which previously had the status of a State College/Perguruan Tinggi Negeri (PTN) Working Unit/Satuan Kerja (SatKer), changed to PTN Public Service Agency/Badan Layanan Umum (PTN-BLU). In 2021, Polibatam received the ZI–Free from Corruption Area/Wilayah…