Nelmiawati, A Polibatam Lecturer, Achieved an International Award as an Advanced Level Instructor: Entering 25% of the World’s Best Instructors at Cisco Networking Academy (CNA)

POLIBATAM – An International level achievement has been gained by Nelmiawati, B.CS., M.Comp. Sc, a Lecturer at Polibatam Informatics Engineering Department who recently received an award at the “Instructor Excellence Award: Advanced Level Instructor” as an Advanced Level Instructor, Entering 25% of the Best World Class Instructors at the Cisco Networking Academy (CNA) in 2023.
This award is given as a result of the achievement and contribution of an Instructor at the Cisco Networking Academy. Regarding the Advanced Level Instructor award, was given to the top 25 percent of instructors globally at the Cisco Networking Academy and one of them was achieved by a Polibatam lecturer who is familiarly called Mrs. Mia, who currently also serves as the Chair of the Center of Excellence (CoE) Polibatam Cyber Team (PCTeam) in Polibatam.
This award was announced via email directly on March 14, 2023, after going through a series of stages of the selection process internally at the Cisco Networking Academy. The components of the assessment are based on feedback from the student being taught by the instructor, as well as the student’s good performance in completing exams in the course provided through the Cisco Networking Academy.
A feeling of pride and unexpectedness was expressed to Polibatam Public Relations, she said “Actually, it can be said that it was quite unexpected to receive an award like this. Alhamdulillah, I am happy to be involved in contributing to educating the nation’s children, especially in the field of Computer Networking with the Cisco Networking Academy at Polibatam. You could say it’s like “a dream comes true”, where when I was in college I was inspired to become an Instructor at the Cisco Networking Academy.”
“Hopefully, in the future, we can always synergize and harmonize with the Cisco Networking Academy in nurturing the talents of Indonesian young people, especially in Polibatam, and improving capabilities in the field of Computer Networking together with capabilities in the field of Cybersecurity,” said Mrs. Mia.
The purpose and benefits of this event are to reward Instructors’ support and participation in the program so that the Cisco Networking Academy creates a global program to recognize important achievements and accomplishments of members of its community. As one of the awards, the name of the award recipient will be listed along with other instructors who have received awards on the Cisco Networking Academy recognition program page on the profile page.
Selamat dan terima kasih atas pencapaian prestasi yang telah mengharumkan kampus Polibatam di tingkat Internasional.
Salam Polibatam…

#Polibatam #Achievement #Cisco #CNA