Lingga District Social Service Explores Cooperation in Managing Regional Potential with Polibatam

NEWS – Lingga District Social Service is exploring cooperation with Polibatam Campus which was conveyed during a visit on Tuesday, June 7, 2022. This visit took place at the Technopreneur Center Building. Lingga Regency will be the target village of Politeknik Negeri Batam to welcome this offer. “We will explore the regency tourism village in Lingga,” said Mr. Bambang Hendrawan, Deputy Director of Polibatam.
The program is to help alleviate poverty in Lingga District. In terms of the potential of the waterfall, the Head of the Office in Lingga District said that he wanted to cooperate with Politeknik Negeri Batam. “This program helps in handling the tourism potential of waterfalls, drinking water, and nature conservation in the tourist village in Lingga to help the people of Lingga District by utilizing waterfalls that require a feasibility study,” added Mr. Muslim Ansori, the Chairman of Shilau Polibatam.
Hopefully, with this meeting, there will be a follow-up to create real programs in raising the extraordinary potential of Lingga District to the public and later being able to improve the welfare of the people of Lingga Regency.
#Polibatam #LinggaDistrict #Cooperation