Launching of the PKK & PKW Program

POLIBATAM-Hello #PolibatamFriends and #VocationalFriends, this year the Directorate of Courses and Training/Direktorat Kursus dan Pelatihan (Ditsuslat) has launched priority programs that help young people, especially School-Age Children Not Schooling/Anak Usia Sekolah yang Tidak Sekolah (ATS) to develop interests and talents, develop self-potential, become more qualified so that ready to go down and compete in workplaces. The programs are Work Skills Education/Pendidikan Kecakapan Kerja (PKK) and Entrepreneurial Skills Education/Pendidikan Kecakapan Wirausaha (PKW).
PKK and PKW as Ditsuslat priority programs are back to facilitate #CourseFriends and #VocationalFriends, especially for ATS to be educated and trained by Course and Training Institutions/Lembaga Kursus dan Pelatihan (LKP) and educational units so that they are ready to work with qualified competencies according to industry standards and entrepreneurship with the provision of knowledge and attitude and mentality of successful entrepreneurs.
So, you are invited to witness the “Launching of the PKK & PKW Programs, Government Assistance for ATS in 2023”, which was attended by the Chairperson of Commission X DPR-RI, Director General of Vocational Education, Director of Courses and Training, on:
Day : Friday, January 20, 2023
Time : 13:30 WIB until finished
Zoom ID : 886 0487 4472
Passcode : 752649
Youtube Live Stream: Kursus Kita
Don’t miss it!
The young generation, #ChooseMoreCompetent, #ChooseMoreSuccessful,
start from the course!
#PKK #PKW #Courses #Vocation #ATS #Ditsuslat